I am kinda bored here while my son naps (the washer/dryer are near his room so no way am I doing any opening/closing of doors right now!). I decided to start the bias tape. I watched a few more Youtube tutorials on the stuff, and thought to myself, "I got this!". Boy oh boy.
I had to mutilate my ironing board cover (which is kinda ratty anyway, so its fine) to poke a skewer through to give me some stabilizer/folder. I had no long pins.

A few videos I watched give explanation as to why one side of bias tape is longer than the other, so I tried to keep that in mind while I was ironing this. This has helped me see how truly horrible I am with scissors...the edges were so not even remotely even from the cutting last night. I think I covered it up pretty good, though.
EDIT: Yes, this bias tape is done correctly. I am using the "wrong" side of the paisley print for the "coordinating fabric". 
Here is the finished product. 2.5 yards of custom bias tape. Yippie.

See what I mean about the unevenness? Oh well, better luck next time.

I missed a step in step 1 of the directions, which was to put the heat stuff on the top bodice strap. So I did that just now, and the first one turned out OK. I had to re-cut the second one due to the fact that I ironed it on the incorrect side (the "right" side).
What did I learn?- Cut your items on a table. Please. Really. A lot of headaches can be avoided if I cut better next time.
- Bias tape is available to buy for a reason. Next time, I would buy it instead of taking the time to make it. Sure, it is good for a custom color or size, but I would rather buy it if I could!
- There is a Youtube video on how to sew on bias tape without swearing. I wish she had one on MAKING bias tape without swearing. She is really funny, and I would totally watch it. I know, there are bias tape makers out there. Don't care. Will buy next time unless in desperation.
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