I wasn't really tired, and since Nate had to get up at 11 to work, I figured why not stay up a bit longer! I watched a Youtube tutorial on making the Spool bird mobile. It gave me a few great tips but I still came out with a few mistakes. Live and learn!
Here is my little birdie, all pinned up.

Bottom view. I will use less pins next time, this was just overzealotry.

All sewn together.

All done!


In hindsight, I learned a few things. I need to make a smaller seam allowance for the head, because my birdy looks like a hunchback. Also, inspecting the pictures from
Spool, I don't think they stuffed Birdy's tail, at least not as much as I did. The directions were ambiguous on how to finish the tail so I winged it. I will probably do it a different way next time.
I learned that a chopstick can be your friend when stuffing birds bellies!
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