Or else this apron will be burned. Burned I say! I started the bodice today. Holy crap.
First we start with the lovely bodice piece.

Then we follow the directions and do one stitch at 3/8" and one at 1/4". As you can see, I do not have a steady hand, and I overlapped them a few times (as well as having major bobbin issues).

This is when I tried to do the gathers on it. I was supposed to pull the long bobbin string on each side. Dumbass me pulled the bobbin string ...for the same line of stitching at the same time. Which meant I was pulling against myself. DUH that is why there are two lines, moron.

This was so knotty, out of line, and generally messed up that it would not gather at all.

So we gently place it aside to work on later. (Ok, what really happened is I said "fuck you, bodice" but whatev)

So I start on the reverse side. This side went muuuuch easier. Very few snags in this side, and I was able to keep a steady and straight hand. The directions were a bit ambiguous on attaching the trim but I figured it out.

See? I figured it out. It still looks scrappy because the edges will be finished with bias tape. This apron is going to be cute and stained with my blood. Or my husband's. This is why I am taking it slow, people :-)
What did I learn today:
- Going slow when using the machine is not a good idea. When I was doing this, I was all over the place. When I just went fast (like ripping off a bandaid) the seam was pretty straight.
- Gathers suck.
- Gathers look cute when they are done.
- I am going to be spending a ton of time with a seam ripper and some needles for picking. No freaking way am I going to re-sew or re-cut the paisley piece. There isn't a picture of it, but I got the bottom of that one gathered and trimmed...the top is too far gone. Gotta start that one again, it is like a maze of stitches and all bound up.
Finish the bodice tomorrow. I believe next are the straps. Woo.
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