I don't know what has gotten into me this week, I just can't stop sewing!
Today I decided I wanted to make my son a cape. Well, I don't have all of the necessary items, and I don't think pleats are anywhere in my near future. So, I thought why not make him a little apron? I know Montessori kids all wear aprons, and I would eventually like him to help in the kitchen anyway, so I will make him one now.
I used
this tutorial, in size 2T. First, I attempted to make a pattern and then cut but then quickly decided this was a waste of time. I just used my pink fabric chalk and drew the lines I needed right on the fabric. And again, my cutting skills are very lacking, so you will see a lot of bad cuts.
Here is my pattern pre-cutting, drawn out in pink chalk.

After the cut. Notice the crappy cutting job. Thank goodness that part is now on the inside.

Here are the straps. Basically, all this is is homemade bias tape. Not too hard, and on this fabric it was so easy.

Homemade bias tape.

Pinning the straps and neck to the apron. One of them (the neck ones) turned out to be too close to the edge so it kind of messed it up.

Apron sandwich. Pinned and ready to go.

The curves I do are getting much better but keeping the seam even all the way around turned out to be very hard. I came close, but there is still a lot of work to do in that area.

Pinning together the hole where I turned it out. I should have put this at the bottom, and if you look carefully, you can see that the strap end on the right is out too far. There really was no fix for this.

I then edged the whole thing and put it on my model. Please pardon the cheerios on the floor, the kid flung them all over this morning. As for the rest of the mess...well, we live here. Sorry.

Turned out the neck strap was way too long so I took it away to shorten it. This resulted in the biggest crying and screaming fit I have ever seen this kid have. Since it was my fault I let him sit on my lap while I fixed it. He decided he liked to play with the buttons on the front of the machine. Before I even noticed it, he had chosen a prettier edging for the strap ends. I don't know if you can see it very well, but it is very pretty. And uneven!

In all, this one didn't take any time at all, maybe 30 minutes total. I really like it! I think all aprons need pockets so I will add some at a later date.
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