My husband traced all of these patterns for me.
On the left are the magnets used for the project, a note card from which the apple and pear shape were traced (those notecards are SO cute and only $1 for 6+envelopes at Michaels!), a block, and a shape-sorter start. I wanted to start with easy shapes. There are a lot out there of letters, numbers, farm animals, etc. We have a wooden puzzle that is letters and numbers so I have the perfect trace-able pieces from that if I decide to go a few steps further.
My "tester" for the blanket stitch tutorial I did. Yea, it sucks, but it showed me the basics.
I used a glue for fabric/metal/wood (top left), embroidery floss, and several different colors of felt. I glued a magnet into the center of one side of each shape, which would become the interior of the magnet. Using the blanket stitch, getting better with each one, I then stuffed a small amount of PolyFil into each magnet.
The final project! Oddly enough, I think the pear turned out the best. I think the triangle looks like a Dorito3D and the circle looks like ravioli (I used a longer stitch than I should have, definitely learned to not do that again!).
In all, this took me a couple of hours to do, with several breaks included. The cutting took the majority of the time. I think if I decide to do the letters (I have a ton of felt...I might have to), I will take one evening for cutting and one for sewing. My only real problem was the embroidery floss. It kept knotting up on itself, and when it didn't mess up on its own, I grabbed 2 out of the 3 threads, causing a knot. This happened a few times in the first few magnets. I also need to be sure to have enough thread to go around. The tutorial talks about how to add more thread mid-magnet (it isn't that hard) but it is kind of a pain.
My next project will most likely be this book sling. I like the idea of books at my child's level. Now I have to find a place where my husband will hang it without complaining (we rent). Michaels actually carries little child-sized wooden chairs just like that which are so darling, but Jack has another chair that looks a bit more comfy.
They look great!!!!!