I decided today I wanted to make a cute stuffed owl. I could not find a pattern I liked, so for the first time, I winged it!
I used a paper bag to make my pattern. Ok "patternish thing".

I drew this free hand. Yea, I know, you can tell. I just used the shape, I winged the rest.

My pattern and the scraps I used.

I cut out the body, and liked the little arc above the Owlie's head, so I used that as the "wings". I just used this as my pattern and cut the fabric piece I wanted, folded. One cut, yay!

I sewed the eyes on by hand. Not perfect, but this is a tester anyway, not meant to be fancy or 100% perfect. If I were doing this again, I would make the eyes lower. At this point, I wasn't thinking about seam allowance, but I should have.

With the wings.

I am normally not very good with curves/circles but I think this turned out just fine! I was very pleased. I love this sewing machine!

After sewing the right sides of the head together and the wings on...

All sewn together. I was not able to get the ears as point as I would like, but it turned out OK.

It is not as uneven as it looks, that is just the angle.

The crappy hand sewing job I did on the bottom. Don't judge me! My kid looks pretty excited...


This one was fun! I made many mistakes but I think it turned out pretty cute. I will definitely make the eyes lower next time, and use a different fabric. This is upholstery fabric from Ikea so it frays quite easily. Not easy to work with!